Friday, April 30, 2010

Spring Wonders

I love spring in my yard!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Girls

She's looking for me!

She knows I do a lot of laundry, she'll just wait!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Harvest 2010, Just The Beginning!

These are off of an artichoke bush I planted last spring, it must have atleast 25 more artichokes coming!
My lemon has so many lemons, these are just the ones off of the branches Barry trimmed. 
 Lemonade sounds good!
My girls are doing their jobs!  Pretty soon I won't be buying any white eggs!

Learning to Knit

I have really loved learning to knit!  Thanks for teaching me Lynn! 
Someday I hope to be as good as you are!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter 2010

Easter was so special this year, reflecting on the life and sacrifices of my Savior and the impact He has made in my life each and every day. I love Him, I appreciate the example He is to me, and I am so grateful for the restoration of His gospel and His church on the earth today. I am who I am today because of Him and all He has done for me and for all of us. I can only pray to continue to be a faithful follower and to always strive to do as He would have me do. I love General Conference and love that it was on Easter weekend. It was the best yet! How grateful I am to belong to this Church and to have Apostles and Prophets of God who are the mouth pieces of the Lord in these latter days! Our Heavenly Father is still aware of us and our needs and guides us directly through our leaders. We are not left alone! How grateful I am for this knowledge!

Now for the fun stuff, my wonderful family and those darling grandkids, minus one, Jacob who is in Washington, D.C. with his school. Awesome kid, awesome opportunity!
We had a nice day spending time together!
Abby finds an egg!
Ethan's looking!
So is Max...where's that money egg?
Emma's got some!
She was a sweetheart! Watching out for all of her younger cousins.
Dustin, Heather, Macho, and Daisy
Cousins, Emma and Ethan
Laurie and Abby
Jessa, it was a tad bit chilly, so after the picnic and egg hunt we headed off to Patti and Randy's house to hang out.
Hey baby girl! Kadence is a little sweetheart!
It was a great Easter and I loved spending it with my best friends and my grandchildren!

Friday, April 2, 2010

My Girls~A New Milestone!

Lynnie's first egg, kinda mushy! She laid it on April Fool's Day, silly girl!
April 2nd's egg. It's the small egg, I put the store bought egg
there as a comparison. Much better than yesterday's egg! Looking
forward to bigger and browner eggs.
The rest of the girls should be laying soon!
Lynnie is the leader of the pack, of course!
I love these girls!

Family Pictures 2010

Five Generations!
Another 5 Generations!
Jeny, Lynn and Amanda's families visited us in California,
it was so nice to spend time with all of them!
Three Generations!
Five Generations plus!

Some Things I've Made 2010~And It's Only March!

Kadence's birthday blanket
Heather's birthday blanket
Emma's birthday blanket
Abby's blanket (this was a repair job!)
Valentine's day table topper.
My first knitted blanket, for the next boy baby to be born.
Laurie's birthday blanket
Jessica's birthday blanket
Baby cocoon for Amanda's photog biz