Sunday, March 11, 2012

No it can't be~#1 grandchild driving!

Say it isn't so, but that wouldn't change it. Yep little jake jake, jakey poo, is pretty much a grown up! He got his first car!  Where did the time go? Maybe now he can drive to his gramma's and spend some time with her and eat of course!
By the way he is a wonderful boy who totally deserves this, he has always been a straight A student and just got his Eagle Scout, plus he's a really nice guy!
Congrats Jacob!

Looking forward to Ava being here soon!

I am getting so excited for Ava's arrival. It's always a blessing to have a new grandchild, but more than that it is, for me, the sweetest time of life is when you see your own child experience the miracle of their own newly born child.  Nothing has touched me more than seeing them holding and looking into their child's eyes as a parent.  We all know the feeling, the overwhelming love, the mix of emotions, excitement, fear, pride, helplessness, protectiveness, and on and on.  But then you take another look and all is well in the world just holding your new born babe.
I know Brandon and Cheri will make wonderful parents and Ava will be an absolute delight to all of our family.  She has been long awaited and we anticipate her arrival with excitement and so much happiness. I for one can't wait to share her with her parents!