Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Our Thanksgiving 2009

As always the pictures are in backwards order, but that's me! We spent a wonderful 3 days at Brandon and Cheri's house again this year for Thanksgiving. I want to thank Brandon for all his hospitality and hard work, he was in the kitchen for the entire time, and still patient and kind! I felt the blessings of my family as I watched them together and I am so thankful for them all. Nothing I enjoy more than being with all of the kids. Enjoy the pictures!
Story time, made even more special thanks to Lisa K. for giving two beautiful books that will be read forever more on Thanksgiving!
Nap time, post feast!
Jessica, who amazed the little girls with her blond hair, purple eyes and purple beanie. They thought she was a beautiful princess! To me she is!
Ethan and Abby, best cousins, coloring a turkey.
Corn hole anyone? That's Randy, Cheri, Heather, Andy and Max at the scoreboard.
Laurie and Abby.
Heather all bundled up, it was a little chilly in VV!
Daddy loves his little girl!
Kody in the bounce house! A must for future get togethers!
Dustin and Patti scanning the xmas ads.
Brandon and Grandma Pat.
Susan, Cheri's mom and super cleaner, another must at get togethers!
Abby and Mommy!
GG and Kadence coloring.
Papa and the pitkas, you know innards!
Let the feast begin! It was great and everyone contributed!
Final check!
Kadence helping Honey (she calls me Honey!) make monkey bread.
Love those piggies tucked under the bum!
Getting set up with Brandon, not sure how it goes on!
Dustin making his famous and delicious potatoes for breakfast!
Making our Jell-o dish.

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