Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Girl Gets a Car...Finally!

Yep she got a new Honda Civic. Her dad did help with a small down payment and now she will get the privilege of making the remaining payments. This is supposed to be her ticket to success...LA everyday!

She is not in the picture because she wasn't prepared for pictures right then, we'll get some later, just wanted to share and again, thanks goes to Patti for getting another big one done!! You are the best! Can you work on furniture for me now?


Amanda said...

I hope the payment is as nice looking as the car!!! What a cute little car. I bet she loves it!

Happy new car Jessa!

Laura Kae Brandler said...

not so much!! but she made the payment and then some yesterday in a couple of hours. she just needs to keep the work coming in!

Anonymous said...

I hope it stays clean, not like her room!

Laura Kae Brandler said...

good one patti!