Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Barry & Andy's Birthday's & Other Stuff

Nick and Abby
She's a big girl now!
He's a good daddy.
The party, I didn't have candles for Andy or Barry's cakes,
so I used tea lights, probably why everyone is laughing.
Or they are laughing at my ice cream cake, which was melting. Boy was it good though!
Harley and Lily watching Abby.
Barry's birthday cake.
Using match sticks as candles which Emma doesn't seem to like.
Trust me she would have planned better than me.Dustin is a faithful, long distance, motorcycle riding, party goer.
Barry trying on his new hat.
Pound cake with my homemade lemon curd. Note to self: give some away next time, so it doesn't spoil. I was such a hoarder with this yummy stuff.
What a cutie, Emma loves her Papa Abby sucks her thumb, I think it's so cute.
Kadence wearing all of our hospital tags. I love her face,
she is truly the happiest kid I have ever known.

Now everyone is pretty much caught up with what's going on in my life.


Amanda said...

I miss you ALL. I miss having parties at your house and seeing everyone! Give everyone a hug and kiss from me!

Where was Brandon??

Laura Kae Brandler said...

he was there but just not in the picture, my nephew was taking a few shots for me and missed some people.
I miss you guys being here too.