Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fabulous Friday

I found this tucked away under some bushes, cleaned it up and wah lah! Nice find.
Getting started, it doesn't look so nice right now, but it's coming along!
Lucy, enjoying the sunshine.
I started all of these geraniums from pieces I broke off from around town, Emma & Max's school & Mexico.

I decided to take a day and do what ever I wanted to do. But then I realized, I can do that mostly every day! It was such a pretty day, I went right outside to work in the yard. I mowed the yard, planted the flowers I had purchased over the weekend and started the garden. After I do yard work, I always water and wash down the walkways and the drive way. While doing that I realized I had a constant little rainbow with me. You can have it too, take water sprinkles and sunshine, mix together and you get a rainbow, an unexpected blessing, my reward for a little hard work.


Amanda said...

I love the pictures! It is amazing to me that people have flowers in their yard right now!!!Everything is so dead here...although, my tulips are out and occasionally open! I need to take a pic.

Your yard looks great!

Anonymous said...

OHHHHHHH I love your yard, so beautiful, and it looks soooo nice and relaxing! I'm totally jealous, I can't wait to have a yard that looks half that nice!! I love your rainbow recipe!! :D Sounds like you had a great day!