Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Wish Come True

Ever have such a dreaded, hard job ahead and wish you could blink your eyes and have it done? Well that's what Dustin did for me. He came in the dark of night and rototillered my garden for me. I am so happy, now all I have to do is buy some plants and put them in. I am going to invite the grand kids over to plant pumpkins and sunflowers. Looking forward to a bumper crop this year. Thanks so much honey!


cinnamongirl said...

You sure do have the best boys..and girl. But your boys sure surpass most. I can't wait to see your garden. Maybe you can motivate my Mom to get back into gradening. I think it would help relieve some of her stress!

Melissa said...

It must be that time of year to be helping at Mom's house cause Jason and I did some stuff at my moms house yesterday and it was a lot of fun. And onto the next thing on your blog..your list of things to do was making me cussing hahahaha?

Amanda said...

Great job Dusty! Rototilling is HARD WORK!!! I tried it once...never again. Kevin loves it!

I can't wait to see what you plant!