Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Dinner

The pictures are all out of order, but these are of the kids playing in my yard before dinner.
Emma, I wonder how many times she has had that done to her!
Maxie in the dirt.
Emma and Kadence on the slide.
Emma is like a mini mommy to her.
Dustin teaching Kadence about wishes.
She can't blow hard enough yet and she chases the seeds in the air like bubbles.
Not my real dinner, just a similar picture, the meal I made looked much better!

We had a really nice dinner, the kids said the best ever corned beef I had ever made. It cost more than I had ever paid too! We even tried parsnips. We had green lemonade, choc mint ice cream, rice krispies treats (green sprinkles, of course), green milk, etc. I was one busy leprechaun! It was nice having the family over, we missed Nick and his family, not sure what happened to them.


Amanda said...

I have never made corned beef and I want to. Maybe next year. I will have to get your recipe! How fun! Is it easy? Sounds yummy!

The kids are getting so big! I'm sure they loved all the "green" things! How fun for them. They will always remember those things.

Laura Kae Brandler said...

you should buy a corned beef right now, they are probably on sale! So easy to make.

Lynn said...

how cute everyone looks. looks good too.

Melissa said...

What does corned beef taste like exactly? I have never had it before but heard if you cook it just right it can be really delcious. And when I read you had rice cripy treats I want to run to the store and make them those sound so good right now for some reason. Good job with all the green stuff what a fun time!

Laura Kae Brandler said...

corned beef is the easiest to make and so good! i am surprised your mom never made it. i will when i come to visit. ya, i make the best rice krispies treats, extra marshmellow, white chocolate on top and double the recipe for an extra thick square. yummy!