Friday, June 19, 2009

When Dustin Cooks, He Does It Big!

Now that's a real Whooper!These burgers weighed in at 11oz plus each! They were so good! The middle was full of cheddar cheese and the meat mixed with cilantro, lime, and other secret ingredients, oh were they ever good! Heaven help us we are all going to have heart problems because they week before we had...
Homemade pastrami sandwiches!! Who does that?? Dustin does! He soaked the meat in a special brine for weeks, then smoked it in his new smoker, then steams it and finally slices it thin. Is your mouth watering yet? It was so good, the best ever. And just possibly the most expensive sandwiches ever made. Dustin says the more he makes the cheaper it will be since he already has all of the equipment. Go ahead then, make some more!
I love it when he comes for a visit, we eat so well!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Where does he get his recipes?? What a great guy! he sounds dangerous to be around while dieting! I wish I could try some of his creations!