Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Things I Need The Boys To Make For Me~ASAP

My Treehouse
A chicken coup, I found chickens on Craigslist, 6 for $20.00

Raised Garden Beds

My Mulch Maker
You know who you are and when can you get started??


cinnamongirl said...

I wonder if just one of those flower beds would fit in my "garden." Hmm...I know I need to get some flowers in, it just doesn't feel like home without. I see you're reading The Alchemist. What do you think? I am stuck in the middle, I keep trying to read on. Maybe I don't get it?

Amanda said...

If we lived closer...Kevin would be right over! He would love to build all of those!!! He did raised beds in our garden and we love them! Are you going to plant a garden this year? I remember you always had the best garden.

I hope you get feeling better!

Laura Kae Brandler said...

Jenn,sure you can make them any size or better yet, get some whiskey barrels and plant in those.
I like that Alchemist, almost done. Lots of good stuff, it's Brandon's favorite book.
Amanda, ya I am going to have one. I miss it. And Dustin is going to make these things for me. Ya I know Kevin would, can't wait to see your garden again this year.

Melissa said...

Even better then any guy doing them for you...Jason would do it in his SPEEDO :) I know you would love that just sitting there sipping lemonade and watching the man work.

haha love u

Anonymous said...

Hey when they get done at your house, can they come to Utah?? ;D I LOVE the tree house, how FUN!!