Sunday, January 4, 2009

2 Bros, A Bro-in Law (almost), and a Helper

I missed Aaron when I came to take pics, but this is the partial crew.

Never underestimate these boys. They come up with an idea and it's done! Usually, it will be Dustin, with a big, no HUGE, idea. He then presents it to the rest of the clan and sucks everyone in, or nearly everyone, and it's done. I am so impressed with what they can do, I am making a list and am next in line for some work to be done at my house, but right now the project is a new deck for Gramma Pat. Of course, it is being built to last, her great, great grand kids will sun themselves on this deck, as the foundation will stand till the end of the world. It could support a sky scrapper. Who knew these guys had the knowledge to do this kind of work. Must have been all the Legos we put together when they were kids.

I am really proud of their hard work, their generosity, and their time spent to help Gramma, as we all love to spend time at her house and will surely enjoy this new deck while swimming this coming summer.
Big kudos to Aaron who is always ready and willing to help us out. He is such a hard working boy, glad to call him one of my boys.
Mr. Martinez, thank you as well, you can consider yourself "worked" this weekend. We appreciate all you have done around the house too, both you and your sweet wife. You're like family.


Lynn said...

you guys are great. Plus they are very creative because of you laura. can't wait to see the finished job.

Amanda said...

Nice! I love the first picture of Brandon! He is my favorite guy. I was telling Kevin last night how much I loved Brandon! Cute guy!

What hard workers! At least you know if you ever need something built you can always call on them!

Melissa said...

That is awesome! I was laughing when I read the post about Jess and a car and her fantasy she has of it all wrapped up in a bow..Jason and I have bought so many cars since being married and the bow has never been there dang it! Hey we can all wish right?

So what is next on the agenda for your house?