Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Shack

I just finished reading this book, it's a good read. I am not going to go into all that much, but it had some concepts that I appreciated. It's about a man who spends the weekend with God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. His account of it.

One was about judging others, you know in the scriptures it teaches a lot about that subject. I do believe that we will be judged as we have judged others, my own take on it. And in the book there is a powerful lesson on that, a segment that Mack had to face how he treated others.

Another point was our real trust and faith in the Lord. I want to work on that, being closer, having a more personal relationship, in which I feel Him with me always. That would be nice. I believe he is there, but maybe I have limited Him in my life.

Another one was the afterlife, I have perfect belief that we will be with our loved ones, and will have purpose and everlasting life. Not sure about how it was portrayed in the book, but I know it will be Heavenly.

Here is an important one, our choice to choose. He doesn't make us do things and he doesn't prevent us from doing things. We choose, if He stopped all bad, then we would have to lose out on the good. We are here to make of our lives what we will. Some times it's the good, bad and the ugly. Only God knows why and where this is all going. There are reasons for everything. We need to take time to see that.

Another was His healing power, to take away all pain and anguish. What a miracle. What a gift. And we can have that now in our lives.
And then this part was my favorite:

Mack was given a choice, to stay or to go back to his life. He asked, Is what I do back home important? Does it matter? I really don't do much other than working and caring for my family and friends.

He was told, Mack if anything matters then everything matters. Because you are important, everything you do is important. Every time you forgive, the universe changes; every time you reach out and touch a heart or a life, the world changes; with every kindness and service, seen or unseen, my purposes are accomplished and nothing will ever be the same again.

Now I don't know if God really told him that, but it's deep and profound to me. Can you imagine if all mankind could really know of their importance in the universe? What a difference that would make.


Melissa said...

I love the new countdown on your side bar..thats what I like to see my Auntie is coming to IDAHO! YEAH

Laura Kae Brandler said...

ya baby!!, I gotta come and help you with your blog!! now that i'm an expert! remember you had to force into blogging. Like Andy says to me you can't just hook people on your blog and then leave them hanging! Hope you are feeling better and that your computer is working too.