Tuesday, January 6, 2009

This and That

Ethan and Andy riding the airplane swing. I got this for Andy and Jess for Xmas when they were 2-3 years old. It has lost most of the original equipment it came with, i.e. propeller, back fin, and handle bar. It is termite and weather rotted, worn smooth from many a bottom (including mine!), and has been painted and repainted by some G-kids. I must make a pattern soon before it completely wears out . In the mean time it's still a good time for these boys.
Ethan has just recently mastered the plane, it's a fine balancing act. As the kids grow the feet are able to go between the wings and the bottom can scoot back a little. He loves it when I push him and he crashes into a pole, the refrigerator (still on my patio from the redo), or me. We both let out a scream and crack up.

Flying High
Ethan likes my dinosaurs and was playing with them when I watched him on Monday. What's funny about this picture is the purple passey hanging on the dino tail. He's all boy, yet a little bit not so big. He's in the in between stage. I like this stage, it's fun.
We picked lemons and oranges. He looked for the grapes and apricots and I had to explain that they come in a different season and that we have that to look forward to. We ate some as we picked and then he had fun building a castle (large pile) with them and knocking it over.
His castle tower in the bowl. We have lots of lemons and not so many oranges, but enough for our family and boy are they good. I am going to try a recipe for lemon curd and orange marmalade this week. I love being in my kitchen. I am going to have a garden for sure this year and have my boys make some raised beds and an extra one for the G-kids to plant in. I really loved gardening with my kids and seeing them enjoy nature and how things grow. I will be canning the stuff too.
He is so cute that all the messes he made didn't really matter.
My first batch of chocolate chip cookies. My oven baked them to perfection. I need to buy two more cookie sheets so I can whip out a double batch in 15 minutes!
And yes, I did have help. Look at my face as he pours the flour over backwards from the bowl. We just brushed in back where it belonged. It was a little hectic doing it as I held Abby, but she was a good girl and took a couple of long naps. He was introduced to eating the dough by his aunt Jess and loved it just as much as she does.


Anonymous said...

Those cookies sure look good! I'm sure the Adams would like some of those. Please bring over more than one.

Melissa said...

Haha I love your face in the picture of him spilling the flour it is hilarious. And I am so proud of Jess for teaching him the most important part of cookie making..the DOUGH!!! yummy!

Love you!

Lynn said...

yes, please make a pattern of the airplane. i have told mom to make one but, she will take too long. your cookies are the very best. love them.
how fun that the family is enjoying the kitchen. you deserve it.

Amanda said...

I can't believe you still have that swing! How fun! We had so many good "flights" on it!

What a good grandma you are! Even when the kids do crazy things! How fun!