Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Yet Another Life Saved

I don't know if Harley was worried or anticipating an attack free life??
We almost lost Lily Fo Fo, she had an obstruction and I had to do the Hymlick Maneuver, which I barely know how to spell it, let alone do it! Yet, she lives, and thanks, I know you are all relieved to hear it.


Melissa said...

I am laughing so hard right now haha. Jason wanted me to tell you he loves how you are bending over he said it is ridiculous.

Ok now on to your beautiful house!!! The floors are to die for I absolutely love them. You guys did such a great job on picking everything out. I am so excited for you to have a nice place for cooking and all you have deserved this for a long time. I hope you get to feeling better too. Miss you really bad! xoxo

Amanda said...

Oh crap...that is great! I love the action picture. And...you bend over like my mom. FYI...I wonder if I bend over like that. Funny!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!! Thank heavens you saved her, she's such a cutie!!
Hope you have a Merry Christmas with your grand babies ;D

Lynn said...

HOW SAD. poor lilly.
thank heavens you were there to save her. what was she chocking on?
love the floor.