Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Anniversary

It looks like on the 30th anniversary of living in my home on 5th Street, we will be doing an overhaul, a major overhaul. It's amazing to me that we have made things last this long, all the while raising 5 kids here. Patti even lived here as a young adult. We have worn this place out!
I still have the original carpet, it should be called wonder carpet. I have cabinets that are hanging by a tread or hinge. My oven door doesn't stay on and has threatened to harm small children and animals. My furniture is a real treat, held together by bungee cords and instead of a real handle we use a wrench for our reclining pleasure. I ripped up the kitchen floor one night, thinking that would spur us forward, and have lived with concrete ever since. I saw on some HGTV shows that concrete is really chic when used in homes. Mine is not.
I am on the very verge of ordering my kitchen cabinets this week. Tomorrow I will pick out appliances, beautiful ones. I have a contractor picked out and ready to go. I am so excited, this has been many years in the waiting. I look forward to having a really big celebration when everything is completed.


Anonymous said...

i feel as though you need to post pictures of our living arrangements to give your readers the full affect of our sad, pathetic lifestyle.

Lynn said...

THAT IS GREAT. can't wait to see it.
fun fun and just enjoy every second of it ok.

Laura Kae Brandler said...

I know who you are anonymous!! I did infact take pics to publish and will do it soon.

Laura Kae Brandler said...

There you are, the awful truth. The dish towels are the only bright spot in my kitchen, thanks goes to sis in law Lisa K. for giving them to me for a birthday gift.
The clippy is what we use to keep our cabinet doors closed.
I will post construction pics of my new kitchen as it progresses.

Amanda said...

I'm really loving your recliner. The wrench and the bungee cord really make it one of a kind! How funny!

Your house won't be the same without your kitchen. Even though it needs to be done, it will be missed.

I get claim on the cookie jar that we talked about. If you ever get rid of it, mail it to me please! I want that!!!! I will pay shipping!

I can't wait to see pictures. You totally deserave a great kitchen!

Amanda said...

PS-I think some of these items in your kitchen could be sold as antiques. You could make some extra money on them. haha!

I can see my cookie jar in the picture of the stove. I miss that thing!