Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Purpose Driven Life

A time for every season. I am in a season of my life that I love. It has all of the elements that are dear and important to me, family, faith, friends, activities, hobbies, etc. but I felt something was lacking. Really for the first time since my teens I have time, time for me and lots of it. Don't get me wrong, Barry, the kids & grand kids can consume it quickly and often to my delight, do.

But I wanted my life to have more purpose and direction. I had always had goals and such for the kids and for our family, but really not me too much. I took a look and thought hard about what I wanted for my own life.

I always wanted to be a nurse.
I would like to go on a humanitarian mission
I would like to supplement Barry's retirement, approx. 5 yrs from now!
I want to learn
I want to serve

So I started school last week and I love it. I loved the first day best. The second day was harder. They expected me to do some school work. I am taking, Math (the easiest and the reason I had a hard time in my next class), Biology 105/Lab 105 (Math 130 strongly suggested), and Speech 101, and the New Testament at the institute. I was so scared to go, Barry took me and dropped me off, my mom offered too :), but before I left home I felt like I needed a security blanket. I know how my grandchildren feel at daycare! I was going to take some fabric or yarn, something that comforts me, but ended up taking an apple off of my little tree. It felt good to have something from home with me. I loved the hustle and bustle of campus life. I wanted to mother some of my classmates and got the familiar looks from them that I get from my kids when I help too much. I love my teachers! They are all very different, they have knowledge and are giving it to me! They are helpful and caring. I like that so much. I found a nice place to take a break. It's like a little wildlife sanctuary with a pond and bird feeders. I like computer lab and appreciate the service of 1 hour free tutoring, which I ran screaming for after Bio Lab. Can I say something about the Institute. I love that place and would not become a nurse if I could get that ladies (the secretary) job. It would be perfect for me! I could take care of the kids, plan parties, luncheons and weddings. I would play pool and ping pong with them, even in a dress. I would bake goodies all the time and bring them in. I would even do the office work. It's a great place to be, how lucky the kids are to have a place to go in addition to college. I feel the spirit there and was grateful for the calmness I felt that first day, even though I was early for my class, a week early.

The beginning of a school year has always felt for me like the beginning of the year, like new year's. I have many new goals and plans. It's an exciting season for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,
It's Jeny, Kelly's daughter :)
How are you and the family? School sounds exciting, I've been working on my degree for a few years now. It's hard work but hopefully worth it eventually. I saw that Ethan is getting a baby sister! How wonderful!! Congrats! We had our baby in July, she's already 7 weeks old. My blog is I'm not that great at keeping it up to date, but it's fun anyway.
Take care,
Jeny Kangas