Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Big Job

While I was gone today, we were tagged!!
Silly Girl signed her work!
This is the Big Job, I was completely traumatized while they took the mirrors down. At one point a piece did break from the top and Aaron caught it before it sliced through his neck. There was blood shed, Barry did get cut on his arm. After that happened...
I took matters into my own hands. I threw a hammer at the glass, thinking it would break into little pieces and all we would have to do was pick it up off of the floor. It only broke into two pieces and can I say Barry was not happy with me when he came in from the garage. Jess got it all on video tape and threatens to put it on YouTube for all the world to see. Apparently she got a lot of footage out of this portion of demolition. It wasn't pretty!!!
I will have to say, Barry was right, he could and did demo what everyone else doubted he could. Even, especially me. I thought it was worth the money to be safe, but now I am thinking of ways to spend that extra cash!! And to top it off, he worked on it before and after work. Way to go Barry, the man with the plan! And Aaron, Hey thanks, you are Barry's right hand man, you lucky guy. He couldn't have done it with out you.


Amanda said...

I'm nervous....

At least Uncle Barry is wearing a hard hat! hahaha safety first!

How long will it take to complete the whole project? Do you have a color scheme? Are you getting new carpet?

Amanda said...

PS-Are you getting rid of the cookie jar that I love? if you do...can I have it....PLEASE!!!!!?!?!

I hope it isn't harmed in the demolition!

Laura Kae Brandler said...

Honey, I am keeping the cookie jar for now atleast. I love it too and Brandon gave it to me when he was a little boy. I will try to find one for you though.
I like country french as my theme, blacks, red, yellows, blues and such. I am hoping the house will be complete by Xmas. I think I will be cooking in my new kitchen though by the end of November. If so I will bake and ship some goodies right to you!! Also, no carpet, just wood floors.
love you

Lynn said...

wow. I Can't believe no one was killed. spend the extra money right now before it goes away. i just can't believe that you are really doing this. way to go.

Amanda said...

ok, so the cookie jar belongs to Brandon. He has prior claim to it. I should find one!

Laura Kae Brandler said...

Amanda, no Brandon has never said he wants it, you can have it when I croak!

Anonymous said...
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Amanda said...

Don't ever croak. ever. I don't want it that bad.