Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Into the Wild Blue Yonder

Jess drove herself to L.A. all alone. I stayed home. She made several stops, castings, fittings and finally a fashion show. I was just a little nervous, we were all a little worried, but felt confident that she could do it.
She called me along the way to say she had made it safely. So many thoughts ran through my mind, does she know it's a one way street, where will she park, does she have change for parking, enough gas, etc. I called her a few times to relay fears and she put a quick stop to that. She knew exactly what she was doing, not worried at all. So I went on with my life, got a lot done actually, so the time I would have spent waiting in the car was instead, well spent at home.
It started getting dark and I started to think about her a little bit more. I knew her call time was 6pm, she called and told me she had made it ok. When 9pm rolled around, I called and left a msg on her phone, just call me, let me know what's going on. Didn't hear anything. 10 o'clock rolled around and then I really started to panic, calling her every 15 minutes or so. I know that hair and make can take a few hours so she could still be at the show. Calm down!! Then the news came on and even Barry started to get on the worry wagon. Then we included Andy! I am now calling every other minute. Barry gets on the kitchen phone to call LAPD! And I have neglected to find out when the show is. Barry kinda remembers that it is in a club on Broadway.
OMG(osh)!!! He thinks it's called the 321 club. No numbers for that. I get online and find a club on Broadway called the 740 Broadway Club. That's close to 321, better than my info. Anyways, the phone numbers for the club are not right. By now I am going to drive there and set up a command post to search for her.
So dramatic, but serious!! I was really scared by now and then I get the call. She is safe, in the car (she even parked right next to the building, good girl) and on her way home. She said she told me the show didn't start till 10pm and there wasn't service in the building. And then one more little hurdle to get over, she needed gas!! Oh gosh, help me. She made it home within the hour, just fine.
Now I know she is fully capable, has good judgement, is a good driver, smart, very smart and has good common sense. BUT, she is my baby girl and oh how hard it is to let her be out in the world by herself. Like my mom used to say, I trust you, it's everyone else that I don't trust.
Like always she will not let me hinder her in her desires and I really am glad of that, she could find herself in a big padded bubble. I want her to live her life to the fullest, so I step aside and freak out a lot.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I feel the same way when Hannah wants to walk down the street without holding my hand. It freaks me out! What if she falls? What if she trips? What if something happens and I can't help her? It's all about freaking out. :0)

Isn't is crazy how fast they grow up? It seems like it happens in the blink of an eye. It is enough to make someone mad!

I'm glad she made it safely. Now, I just need to prepare myself for when Hannah does things by herself! YIKES!

Was Jess driving the van? If so, haha!