Monday, November 3, 2008

They're Back

The wild parrots are back.
They showed up this morning, a huge flock. I love them.
You hear them way before you see them.
So I heard the squawking and took off running and again

I fell. I re-skinned my old, just healed wound from the last fall in the hall.
And my knee feels damaged inside. I hope I can still blade.

The kids forbid me from running in the house anymore!


cinnamongirl said...

maybe invest in a pair of knee pads? Just kidding, I hope it's ok.

anyway, you and my mom are both so crazy about these darn parrots! I just got an email about them from my mama. Saying the same thig.... They're back! Silly Girls.

Laura Kae Brandler said...

Good idea! I know we love the wild life.

Melissa said...

Are you serious there are wild parrots? I have never heard of parrots in LaVerne that is hilarious..and about the knee and blading are u kidding me haha

Amanda said...

hahahahha. That picture is just like the recent injury you had. I love how you are laying on the ground in your nightie. hahaha you silly girl.

as for the parots. what the crap??? I have never heard of this in my life! Where do they come from?? and where are they going???

Love this post...i'm still laughing!

Amanda said...

PS-I just enlarged the picture of you on the ground...your facial expression kills me!!!

and I love the label "wild things". would that be the parots or you running around in your night gown? both equally wild.

Laura Kae Brandler said...

You girls!! It is like my last fall. I come tearing out of Andy's room and trip over something, this time my "ugly shoes" which were on my feet (laying next to me on the floor after the fall). The trip was worse than the last. My knee is swollen and it hurts to bend it. The face of agony you laugh at?
And the parrots, I have to research. There is a story on the net about them and I will find it.

Lynn said...

sad. i know what it feels like to fall. i fell 3 week after surgery in the parking lot of Michaels with everyone watching me go down. both my knees looked like that and my hands too. plus i got a black eye. scary. All i can say is don't run anymore.
About the parrots, call the news media and have them film it. that is so amazing.